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Trusted by world’s leading Architecture & Construction firms

VR Meetings
Intuitive Multi-user VR meetings
Meetings can be created to review any 360 tour or 3D model
Each meeting can have upto 1 host and multiple guests
Additionally, only hosts have a unique password to start the meeting
Meeting starts automatically when host enters the access code & password
Hosts and guests can access meeting via VR App or Windows PC Application
Simple client presentations
Use Oculus Quest and view your 3d Models

No cables, installations required
Once installed, use it anywhere without installations

Built for sharing with teams
Provide access to clients and stakeholders using access codes

Oculus Casting for in-person meetings
Easy to use casting option to see what clients see in meetings

Intuitive Multi-user VR meetings
Engage project stakeholders anywhere, anytime using seamless VR meetings for reviewing 3D walkthroughs
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